Picture of Mozella Ademiluyi

Mozella Ademiluyi

Who Am I?

You know how you pass something repeatedly and then decide you just must find the underlying story behind it? That is how I felt about ‘Negro Mountain’ in Western Maryland…I knew there had to be a story.

It turns out there are two versions – both having to do with battle, heroism ,Native Americans and a very tall black man they called “Nemesis” — it is interesting that both Negro and Nemesis are on the same page of my dictionary – and I doubt either word had much to do with who the man really was.

‘Nemesis’ is a hero in both stories…and they named the mountain in his honor. He obviously lived up to his title based upon some retributive justice he performed.

What’s in a name or a title? Is the human “being” lost and confused with what he does rather than who he is? We often get caught up in describing ourselves based less upon who we are as a person and more upon our professions, race or gender, gifts or performed tasks, heroic or not.

It’s a challenging question…try answering it without language about what you do.

Who are you?

Mozella Perry Ademiluyi
speaker writer poet

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